Adding The Map To The Fastdl

Relevant videos

Extracting Garry’s Mod Workshop Addons

Using FileZilla (FTP) with Garry’s Mod

Using WinSCP (FTP) with Garry’s Mod

What happens when I add the map to the FastDL?

When players join your server, during the loading process they will download the map.

Preparing the map

  1. Follow the video listed above in the Relevant videos section in order to extract the Workshop version of the map.

  2. Open the extracted folder and proceed to open the maps folder.

  3. Drag the file inside of the maps folder to your Desktop, this file should end in .bsp if you have file extensions enabled.

Uploading and synchronizing the map (Game Panel)

  1. Navigate to the Game Panel and proceed to login.

  2. Click on Game Services button and if prompted select the server you add the map to the FastDL of.

  3. Navigate to the File Manager.

  4. Navigate to the garrysmod/maps directory.

  5. Click the Upload button and proceed to upload the map.

  1. Return to the Game Panel.

  2. Click the Fast Downloads Sync button.

  3. Wait until the console states that the synchronization has finished, this may take a while.

  4. Restart your server.

Uploading and synchronizing the map (FTP)

  1. Login to your servers FTP using FileZilla or WinSCP - relevant videos can be found above.

  2. Navigate to the garrysmod/maps directory.

  1. Drag the map file we prepared earlier into that directory and wait for the transfer to finish.

  2. Navigate to the Game Panel and proceed to login.

  3. Click the Fast Downloads Sync button.

  4. Wait until the console states that the synchronization has finished, this may take a while.

  5. Restart your server.