Checking Your Email History

What is the “Email History”?

Our billing area provides a page to view emails that have been sent out to the email linked to your billing area account. This is useful if you’ve had to change the email linked to your billing area account and need to view emails sent out to your previous email address. Email history does not contain the emails that provide gameserver information (e.g Garry’s Mod Server Information emails) information - that can be found in our game panel, in the Email Notifications tab.

How can I reach my Email History? (Manual)

  1. Navigate to the Billing Area and proceed to login.

  2. Hover over the navigation bar button that is titled Hello, Name!.

  3. Click on the Email History Button in the dropdown.

  4. Once in the Email History page, you can view the contents of any email by clicking the View Message button on the same row as the email.

How can I reach my Email History? (Direct Link)

  1. Navigate to the Email History page and if prompted proceed to login.

  2. Once in the Email History page, you can view the contents of any email by clicking the View Message button on the same row as the email.