MySQL Database for server?

Hey, I have been stuck for days, how do I get MySQL database working for my server I’m really not sure what I’m doing here.

I have one of your Gmod servers and website hosting what has the MySQL on it, how do I like it with the server?

On the web hosting control panel, you can create the user and database via the MySQL Wizard. Then, in your lua MySQL config, input the details you created alongside these:

Port: 3306

It keeps coming up with this.

“gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua:372: Connection failed! Access denied for user ‘satan’@‘’ (using password: YES)
Trying again in 5 seconds.”

Make sure you have allowed the IP to connect to the database, under “Remote MySQL” on CPanel, should need to add the IP “” like in the error

Right sorted it took a bit of time, but I’m a dummy it has been resolved, I was not putting the username and database name down right silly me!

thank you for your help :slight_smile: